Saturday, 22 March 2014

Collecting Data - Survey Assignment 5

DATA vs...

Ok so not that data.

( I tried to take some screen shots of the before but it is multiple pages and it was really messy and I will blame my interpreter driod malfunctioning. I will describe what changed and post the final survey at the bottom and hopefully that works.)

The biggest question to come up on my survey was anonymity. The results included the student name. My test students did not have any problems directly but identified that this could be a concern if a student had a concern and were unsure if the instructor would take offence. It might be important to improve the intro to the survey to clarify the use of the data and the anonymity. Doing it anonymous was suggested but with the rank information and skill progression that might be difficult. It would not be hard to figure out who the students likely were. Also with such wide demographics in the club with age and fitness it would be very difficult to analyze the data without specific details. Important trends might surface in different groups. This could be solved with a third party collecting the data and assigning numbers to names.The sample size of four or five was difficult as the group is so diverse the results were significantly varied.

Some small scale changes were suggested to deal with specifics like adding an explanation for stripes and wording on some questions. The what was your “motivation” for joining karate was changed to “reason” for joining to help clarify the intent of the question.

The temptation to ride the middle of the scale was mentioned by one participant so I decided to change the scale from seven to six. This might make it easier to look at the data in the future.
Further, some discussion with one participant was about if I need more information on in class communication vs. outside. How might we question about in class communication while teaching. This might need to be a separate section in a future survey.

Some participants might be under age so parental consent section needed to be added or modified. This requires a signature so would need to be done on paper before or with alternate technology.

There were also the prerequisite technology problems such as having the grid rows and columns backwards and having some text entry issues. However, the overall response was positive when talking about the digital format. Google Forms has a refined experience that makes answering the questions easy without becoming monotonous as some online sites can become. The pages breaks gave respondents a variety of types on each topic which broke up the repetitive data type questions. The gauge on how close a person is was useful for some respondents and the pages allowed for them to focus on each part of the questions clearly. In the future I think some of the data verification could be used to make sure responses fit within the norm.

Overall the students that tried this survey felt it was clear and thought the questions related well to the subject matter. The scope of the survey might be too large and in a final draft each area might need to be expanded. Take a look below.