Tuesday, 13 May 2014

What warrants change?

Technology always seems to be a divisive topic. My thoughts on what causes that conflict in 249 words below:

I am not exactly sure how to curate my many forays into technological conflict. I have had the prerequisite Google Docs battles. I have seen the "but how do I print and mark a Google doc?". Argued the many variations of "But what happens when..."  and ignored the "my binder isn't offline". I have pushed for change for online bookings and digital cameras and even let students use the fearsome personal cell phone and countless  other "new ideas". I will admit I push for change. Often with the response "it is easy for you, you are a geek" or the ever present "but you are good at that". I sometimes clarify I choose to be good at that. I learned how to answer my own questions and trouble shoot. I saw the value and work to improve that. I read an article that when summarized said "we need to stop saying "I'm not good with computers" It isn't acceptable for a teacher to say "I'm not good with books" it should be the same thing. Is the source of the conflict fear or resistance or the unknown? Are the excuses and barriers just a basic difference in belief that one can understand and trouble shoot technology or one can't. As I read this week I realized the reasons for resistance are multifaceted and differ between individuals but they must all have some part in a belief that the inputs do not create enough benefit in the results to warrant change.

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